Speculative fiction author, David Bruns, reviews Rogue Genesis

Rogue Genesis Cover
Shimmer in the Dark: Rogue Genesis

A few days ago, David Bruns approached me to let me know he was in the process of reading my book, Rogue Genesis, that he was enjoying it – always a happy relief to hear – and that he would be writing a review.  Today he published it.

And it’s a humdinger!

“I tend to separate my science fiction into two categories. In some SFF, the science part is a story element used as a setting or a device to keep the plot moving forward. Then there are the tales where the science is integral to the story, almost like another main character. . . more ”

David Bruns is a speculative fiction author with his own series The Dream Guild Chronicles in development and so I’m delighted to direct you to his >> blog << to read his review and let you discover another new writer of sci-fi at the same time.

Thank you, David, for a great review.

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