Virtual TourA huge welcome to author Maer Wilson who joins me today on her whirlwind Virual Tour introducing her new release PORTALS, Book 2 in THE THULUKAN CHRONICLES. Get the latest inside information on her new book, Portals,  as I chat to Maer, and a little farther down is a tempting Giveaway. First a little information about my guest today:

Maer WilsonMaer Wilson’s Bio: After a successful career being other people, and later teaching others the many tricks of that trade, Maer Wilson has decided to be herself for a while. Turns out she’s a writer. She’s always loved stories, especially fantasy, mystery and sci fi. Maer was born in the Year of the Dragon and has a dragon-themed room in her home, but sadly no dragons in the back yard. When she’s not writing, Maer plays online video games, teaches college and reads. She also co-hosts the literary podcast, MythBehaving and writes for two gaming fansites. Maer lives in the high desert of Southern Nevada with her two dogs, a chihuahua and a poodle. Portals is Book 2 in The Thulukan Chronicles. You can find all books and novelettes in The Thulukan Chronicles at Amazon. You can visit Maer’s website at

And her latest book!

Portals Book CoverFor supernatural detectives Thulu and La Fi, “normal” is a relative term. La Fi is a medium, Thulu is a finder, and their usual clients are already dead.

But when their friend Reo is shot, and a group of stranded angels show up at their house for help to find a missing child, things are striking too close to home.

And now the portals that let the magical races return to Earth have started opening on their own.

With trips off-world, a kidnapped psychic and changes to their own abilities, Thulu and La Fi are hit with a lot more than they usually handle. Of course, their magical friends are there to help, but even they may not be enough to save an increasingly unstable Earth.

Portals is the sequel to Relics and is Book 2 in “The Thulukan Chronicles.”

Juggling angels, psychics, and a myriad of other magical folk (and their problems), Thulu and La Fi return in Portals to find a kidnapping victim, and maybe just save the universe as a side job. Maer Wilson does a beautiful job of painting their world, weaving a mystery, and sprinkling on a touch of humor in her sophomore fantasy. Such a fun escape!” LynDee Walker, bestselling author of the Headlines in High Heels Mysteries.


That night Parker had popped in to wake us at two in the morning to tell us our best friend, Reo, had been shot. The young ghost was distraught and panicked.

“They’re on the back porch! You have to go help.”

“Where is he?” I asked groggily, as I jumped out of bed.

Thulu was instantly awake beside me, although he didn’t seem any more alert than I did.

“Back porch.” Parker enunciated each word in slight exasperation. “Go, please!”

Thulu looked at me, and I told him what Parker had said. Thulu can read lips, but even with a night light the room was too dark.

Thulu threw off the sheet and we both ran from the room. I was briefly glad we’d been wearing PJs.

Heart pounding, I took a few precious seconds to check on our three year old son, Carter. His night light showed him blissfully unaware of anything. Whatever happy dreams he was having made him smile slightly in his sleep. I sighed in relief that he wasn’t having another of his nightmares.

Downstairs, Thulu had turned on the kitchen and porch lights. In spite of the panic moments before, none of the three people on the porch seemed frantic when I joined them.

Thulu looked relieved, Reo was on the floor, but seemed stoic, and Sloane knelt beside him, brow furrowed only slightly in concentration as he dealt with the wound.

My heart rate slowed down and my own fear started to slowly dissipate. My heart gradually dropped from my throat back to its accustomed place in my chest. Still my hands were shaking, and I felt the slight chill from outside. The porch was screened in, and the late August day had been hot, but the night brought a cool breeze that made its way along my arms.

The scent of flowers from the backyard didn’t quite mask the smell of the blood that pooled on the porch floor around Reo. Sloane, his partner and an elf, had already removed Reo’s jacket and shirt. A bullet lay on the floor, and I could see the shoulder wound was already healing and closing up. In a few moments, only the blood would remain as evidence that he’d been shot.

Reo’s face was white. The strain showed around his brown eyes and his handsome face had the sheen of sweat on it.  His short brown hair that was usually spiked, lay damp and flat against his head, but he gave me a shaky smile.

“Bastard ruined my favorite jacket.”


Maer, your books sounds amazing. You have the supernatural, magic, angels, and portals. Now, tell me, is your series more sci-fi or fantasy? 

That’s an awesome question, Ceri! It’s an amalgamation. It’s Paranormal Mystery meets Urban Fantasy meets Sci Fi, with elements of each one. The Sci Fi comes in more at the end of Portals and carries into Book 3 with less Paranormal Mystery. It then blends Urban Fantasy and some Sci Fi elements.

Ah, so the series evolves and takes the reader into new territory. What makes The Thulakan Chronicles unique from other supernatural detective stories?

For one thing, Thulu and La Fi are professionals and expect to get paid for their work. They like helping their clients and get satisfaction form it, but it’s their business, not an altruistic sideline. Also the fact that they work together is different. Their skill sets complement each other. The biggest difference is that while the first two books have that detective element, the series is really about what happens when magic returns to Earth, as seen through Thulu and La Fi’s eyes. And the repercussions of that return have major unforeseen consequences that get steadily worse as we go into Book 3.

Thula and La Fi, I need to know, what’s happened to them since Relics?

The biggest change is that they are now parents of a live child. The ghost kids are still there, but adopting their son has brought them into a whole new level of relationship as a family. It has been just the two of them for so long, that I think this gives them a dimension we haven’t seen from them before – especially in the responsibility area.

Portals goes a little farther in showing what happens when magic returns to Earth. We see more of the repercussions and find out why things are happening.

Kids and magic together sounds like chaos. Tell us what you like most about one character, and what you don’t like about another?

I love La Fi’s heart, which is enormous. Even when she’s complaining about something, it’s usually just smokescreen to cover up how deeply she cares.

I don’t like Jones’s attitude about humans. He can swing from concerned “parent” figure to superior predator at the snap of fingers. I’m not quite sure he should be completely trusted.

I love it when characters take on a life of their own so you can’t be sure what they’ll do next. How do you make your characters feel so real?

I know their backstories and their motivations, their strengths and weaknesses. I’ve been able to use the tools I used creating characters for the stage and apply them to my characters in my books. I can only hope that depth comes through.

So you moved from acting to writing to becoming a published author. What do you look for in books you read for enjoyment?

I don’t get to read as much now and I miss it! I’ve joined several reading groups on Goodreads to get myself back in the habit of actually reading. I tend toward sci fi, fantasy, mysteries, thrillers, horror and I love great characters and a good story. I don’t think my tastes have changed. I do find myself more aware of the actual writing than I was before.

You also co-produce and co-host a literary podcast, MythBehaving. What is this all about, and why do you do it?

This is a show where we interview folks from the publishing industry. Mostly authors, but we also have others from the industry on the show. Each show is available on our website and also iTunes, so folks can download and listen on their MP3s. I do it because it’s fun to talk to others in the industry. I’ve learned so much just by interviewing our guests. And the podcast (radio for the internet) format lets us have a real time chat.

What is the best advice you’ve been given and how have you applied it?

If you want to write, read. It was advice the author Tim Powers gave me when I asked the question for someone else years ago. Since I’ve always been an avid reader, I was able to take that advice and go back and look at what I’d read and what I liked and try to write something I’d like to read.

What have you enjoyed most about writing the Thulukan Chronicles? And what have you learned about writing?

I love these characters! They are so much fun and always seem to have surprises for me when I start getting into their heads. I haven’t learned nearly enough yet, but I’m gaining ground with every book or story I turn out. The biggest lesson I think is to stick it out and finish your work. And just keep keeping on. If you want it bad enough you can make it happen, as long as you stay on course. Oh and have great beta readers. (I do.)

And finally, to whet the appetite, what do you think fans of Relics will like most about Portals?

Well, I hope they like it! I think they will like seeing the group go off-world for the first time. I also think they will be surprised at what is really going on and that leads us into Book 3.

It sounds great with twists and turns to keep readers guessing. I’m going to get it now!

Ceri, thanks so much for letting me be on your blog today!

Any time, Maer! Thank you for joining me. Okay, folks, here is where you can find Maer, Relics and Portals. And make sure you enter the Giveaway.

Maer’s Website , Maer on Amazon , Maer on Facebook , Maer on Twitter

Maer at Goodreads , Maer at Pinterest

Relics 599x900“‘Relics’ is a powerful read which will challenge long-held perceptions of good vs. evil and Light vs. Dark well after the book is finished.” Diane M. Haynes, author of Rift Healer, YA finalist in the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence.

In Relics, author Maer Wilson takes everything you think you know about the creatures of the fantasy world and twists it around to create a unique and engaging story.” Constance Philips, author of Resurrecting Harry and Fairyproof.

Relics at Goodreads , Relics Paperback at Amazon , Relics Kindle at Amazon

Portals at Amazon , Portals Kindle at Amazon

“Ghost Memory” (A Thulukan Chronicles Story, #1) at Amazon

“Unwanted Ghost” (A Thulukan Chronicles Story, #2) at Amazon


 A chance to win one of these prizes:

1 – $10 Amazon Gift Card

1 – $5 Amazon Gift Card

3 – eBook Bundles of “Ghost Memory” and “Unwanted Ghost”

Click here for Rafflecopter Giveaway


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